Common Evening Primrose
500+ seeds per packet
Tall growing - average 1 metre in height. A great choice for a wildflower garden or meadow.
Growing: Sow in spring or autumn, lightly cover seeds with soil. Plant in full sun or partial shade. In well drained but moist soil. The flowers open in the evening and attract night pollinators such as moths, it is also edible for animals, making it a great wildlife plant. They form a rosette of leaves in the first year, and flower in the second year. They require very little care so are easy growing. Grows well in polytunnel or outside. Seeds are easy to collect or to leave to self-seed for the following year.
Edible flowers. The oil of evening primrose is used medicinally. Unripe seed pods make for delicious pickles!
500+ seeds per packet
Tall growing - average 1 metre in height. A great choice for a wildflower garden or meadow.
Growing: Sow in spring or autumn, lightly cover seeds with soil. Plant in full sun or partial shade. In well drained but moist soil. The flowers open in the evening and attract night pollinators such as moths, it is also edible for animals, making it a great wildlife plant. They form a rosette of leaves in the first year, and flower in the second year. They require very little care so are easy growing. Grows well in polytunnel or outside. Seeds are easy to collect or to leave to self-seed for the following year.
Edible flowers. The oil of evening primrose is used medicinally. Unripe seed pods make for delicious pickles!
500+ seeds per packet
Tall growing - average 1 metre in height. A great choice for a wildflower garden or meadow.
Growing: Sow in spring or autumn, lightly cover seeds with soil. Plant in full sun or partial shade. In well drained but moist soil. The flowers open in the evening and attract night pollinators such as moths, it is also edible for animals, making it a great wildlife plant. They form a rosette of leaves in the first year, and flower in the second year. They require very little care so are easy growing. Grows well in polytunnel or outside. Seeds are easy to collect or to leave to self-seed for the following year.
Edible flowers. The oil of evening primrose is used medicinally. Unripe seed pods make for delicious pickles!